Our 100th episode is going to be awesome — and live!

Our 100th episode is going to be
Join us for a very special live stream
Sunday, May 15th at 1 PM CET / Berlin time

Two years and 99 episodes later

When we started the podcasting journey, all we had was an idea and the desire to produce an appealing, informative and fun format for creatives. Something we would listen to ourselves.

Then we had our first guests, friends and colleagues who shared their journeys. We began reaching out to others we did not know yet personally but wanted to hear all about.

It’s hard to describe the feeling when someone you find totally awesome agrees to spend an hour speaking with you.

And it’s even harder to describe how it feels to slowly build a community of like-minded creatives around your podcast (looking at you, kid).

Now, here we are, and we would not have made it without you, dear listener, reader and supporter. Thank you, you were part of the motivation to keep going, week after week, no matter how stressful the day job got, or how many late nights and early mornings we had. (Yes, there were quite a few, still are. But we love it too much!)

Thank you for being on this creative journey with us. Thank you for listening.

Why not be part of the conversation this time? Live!

Our 100th episode is going to be a live stream with a few of our past guests — and interactive with our audience.

We’re inviting you to celebrate with us by joining the conversation in real-time. Maybe even ask a few questions. Or voice an opinion.

We are making it happen and we are psyched about it! Hope you will be, too.

Mark your calendars

Sunday, May 15th at 1 PM CET / Berlin time